Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Friend Patrick on Gchat

Patrick: one of the major deterrents for broadcasters is that online advertising is not very lucrative right now
and you have to remember its freakin expensive to produce tv
advertisers are hesitant about switching over
8:51 PM so the revenue stream from online advertising is nowhere as high as it is for television broadcast where you have the potential to reach mass amounts of people
but if you can convince them that you're reach isnt as high
but these ads are not only more effective, but targeted as well
it can increase your return on investment significantly
making it much more attractive
then advertisers would shift
8:52 PM once they shift the demand exists
and the costs can reasonably go up
which in turn can bring in more money for broadcasters honestly
especially as viewership continues to migrate
8:54 PM me: you're boring

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA. I was pretty close to sharing this. lol.
