Monday, May 31, 2010

Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference 2010 Un(certain)ty Day 1 Video

tecbc 2010 day 1 from Dan Lee on Vimeo.

Here's a video Norman and I made in the wee hours of Friday night / Saturday morning at TECBC this past Memorial Day weekend. Apparently youtube won't allow it since I don't have permission from DC Talk for using their song. I'm going to look into getting it, since it'll be pretty cool to actually communicate with them!

To the kiddies: Please be patient with Day 2's video and the final video. Its been a crazy 9 days and I think they'll turn out better with an unfried brain and a few more hours of sleep ;) Thanks for the e-cards and high fives, you guys are all awesome little bro's and sis's.


  1. really Dan? It's the EASTER video? lmao! ^_^
    I love your vids. But you may wanna change the subject or others may not find it! =D

  2. This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
